Dealing with dwindling income during COVID-19

By: Oliver Owuor

You may be worried about falling into financial difficulties during this difficult Covid-19 period. For example, if your income drops due to coronavirus restrictions or you incur unexpected expenses,...

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In the end, we shall win this war

By: Oliver Owuor

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has threatened the whole world. Started in China, the pandemic has expanded its footprint across the globe in a short period of time....

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Strategy is critical during pandemic

By: Oliver Owuor

The news is dominated by details of the COVID-19 pandemic. New, conflicting information is available daily. The number of confirmed cases continues to grow, as does the number of...

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A survival plan for small businesses during Covid-19 pandemic

By: Oliver Owuor

There’s no doubt that small businesses will be the hardest hit from the current COVID-19 pandemic. The bigger businesses have a better chance of surviving; however, small businesses tend...

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Why farmers need agribusiness loans to grow

By: Oliver Owuor

Farmers in Kenya can only be successful if their businesses are financially sound. Most farmers struggle in our economy because of lack of available credit in the form of...

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How to grow your start-up into a successful enterprise

By: Oliver Owuor

Launching a business can be a terrifying thing. Most of the time the risks are huge, and but the only guarantee is a whole lot of hard work and...

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Saving 101 for new income earners

By: Oliver Owuor

Most of us want to save money so we can build wealth and plan for the future. We have goals we want to reach or things we want to buy,...

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The case against hidden bank charges

By: Oliver Owuor

THE CASE AGAINST HIDDEN BANK CHARGES In Kenya, many are the times clients are not specifically advised on all the requirements, especially the charges that might be levied at...

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Why your loan application may be approved or denied

By: Oliver Owuor

Whether you are applying for a mortgage, a credit card, or a car loan, banks and credit unions are going to be looking for the same thing–how much risk...

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