Kiambu Sumac Marketing Office picks momentum

By: Oliver Owuor

Since it was opened almost two years ago, the Kiambu Sumac Marketing Office has steadily and slowly won the hearts of locals in the busy town.

The marketing office was opened to help meet growing demand of businesses seeking Sumac services from the Githunguri Branch, which seemed a little too far for many of them. The decision to open the marketing office was informed by this growing demand by clients for services that they could easily access within the town.

So when the office was established in 2021, the noble agenda was to help the local businesses to get Sumac services conveniently.

So far, it has worked to the advantage of both Sumac and the clients.

“From the data and reports we have gathered throughout the months we have been in operation here in Kiambu town, there is a huge market for the banking and financial services offered by Sumac Microfinance Bank,” says Mr. John Njihia, who is the CEO of Sumac. “In the long run, we hope to serve the people of Kiambu better, by ensuring prompt service is available to them, and that the marketing office can offer them what they would ideally have only gotten from the branch in Githunguri. We look forward to great years ahead whilst growing with our clients in Kiambu town.”

Incidentally, it was in Kiambu – at the Kiambu Golf Club – that the idea of creating Sumac Microfinance Bank was mooted and birthed. The symbolism of Kiambu town as the bedrock of Sumac Microfinance Bank’s genesis cannot be overemphasized, the more reason why the bank owes it to the community to make available its services.

The marketing office is fully fledged to offer all banking services to all cadres of clients just as would be the case at the branch level.

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